
I affirm the unique authority of Scripture in our every day lives. I believe God revealed himself through His Word, and reveals to us who God is, who we are and how we should live in relation to Him. My counseling is driven by the belief that our Creator speaks into our life situations and struggles through the Scriptures. The Word reveals that we are Saints, Sufferers and Sinners. We are saints through Christ and have his Spirit, we experience suffering in this world and need the comfort of our Savior, and we also struggle with our sinful flesh, in need of the transforming work of the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures are not a step-by-step road map to solve every issue in our life, but gives us true, practical wisdom in how to navigate life’s struggles. The Scriptures ultimately remind us that our temporary sufferings are nothing in comparison to the “eternal weight of glory” that is waiting for us in Christ our Savior (2 Cor. 4:17). It’s within the context of this relationship with Christ that we experience true hope and change.

I desire to apply my deep convictions of historical Scripture in ways that are humble and engaging.

  • Through God’s Word, He has given us a biblical lens to see the world as he created it to be. Through Scripture we know that in Christ all things exist for him, through him and by him (Rom. 11:36). It is through God’s Word, empowered by His Spirit, that we are given spiritual life (John 6:63). Therefore, the Word of God is trustworthy to speak into our lives and guide us.

  • I desire to go beneath the surface of our everyday life experiences and engage with the heart issues. Often we are not aware of the beliefs, desires and motivations of the heart because of the difficulties that are around us. But it is the heart that Christ desires to engage with in our moments of need and it is here where God slowly begins to work in us to bring about deep and lasting change in his children. For we know that God has begun a good work in us and he will continue to work in us until he brings us to himself (Phil. 1:6).

  • I believe in the common grace that God has given us in the arts and sciences for the good of humans for the betterment and flourishing of the people God has placed before me to counsel. Therefore, I desire to wisely use sources in psychology if it is so deemed useful for the goodness of the individual.

  • I am committed to working with the local church. Jesus shed is own blood and died to bring a people to himself (Eph. 2:13). The church is Christ’s holy people, his very own possession (1 Peter 2:9). Therefore, it is my desire that Christ’s church be cared for on this earth.

  • I am committed to caring for people in various denominations. For we all have been formed into one Body and one Spirit through the hope found in Christ (Eph. 4:4).

  • Even though this is Christian counseling, you do not have to be a Christian to receive counseling from me. However, please be aware that I will be engaging with you and your life from a biblical worldview.

  • I believe that we are both soul and body, and I desire my counseling to care for you holistically. There is a tendency to ignore the physical and focus solely on the spiritual, but our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made by God (Ps. 139:14). (Please note that I am not a licensed practitioner with a medical background. My training is in Christian counseling and theology. I strongly encourage you to talk to your physician if you need medical treatment).

  • For more answers to your questions, please visit the FAQ page.